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Movember moustaches

If it’s November it must be Movember, right? The month where blokes across the country start growing all manner of weird and wonderful facial topiary to raise money for good causes.

The thing is, chaps have been re-embracing moustaches for quite some time now and, come the end of the month, I’m not convinced they’ll reach for the razor. Why do I say this? Well, as a keen observer of celebrity culture, I’ve noticed that hirsute top lips are increasingly becoming a thing.

Movie heartthrobs such as Jonathan Rhys Meyers, James Franco and Henry Cavill are all notable flyers of the ‘tache flag, while Donald Glover, playing Lando Calrissian in Disney’s Solo: A Star Wars Story rocked such a mightily impressive mo’ he could have passed it off as a hairy light sabre.

Of course, growing a lip tickler comes with a certain frisson of danger. Your nan mighty openly accuse you of being a ‘cad’, or at least an Agatha Christie wrong un, while certain styles could result in you being nicknamed ‘Joe Exotic’. Which is fine in Wakering, but less so in Leigh…

All of this aside, a moustache is a fun way to express your personality. Especially if you’re an extrovert. They draw the eye to the centre of the face and for men with fuller faces, they’re more flattering than a beard. And while beards seem to be everywhere at the moment, a ‘tache says that you’re not following the herd.

But whatever you do, don’t adopt a ‘Tooth Brush’ style. We all know how that works out…

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